Q:What time is it? A:Time to get a watch.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I crash landed

I see lights though the rain

I foundED it
As promised a pretty long time (kinda...),

so, erm...
Here you go, Jasmine and other souls out there
The real one is much more OCCUPIED.  This one has some issues
Another one
This is the stuff in the picture.

 This is the story
I'm flying with a rocket tied around my waist with my teddy bear dangling by the side. Then I reach TOYLET! The floor is made out of puzzles but in the castle area, it is made out of those board game floor material. The gate is accompanied with 2 bowling pins. The theme of TOYLET is well... toilet. So as you can see some parts of it contains some toilet materials. *looks back at the pictures on top* okay never mind, can't really see it. It's kinda not in those drawing. 

So that's kinda about it I guess...
 Can't really remember already.

And yes,
My toy planet is call TOYLET
just keep on repeating saying TOY PLANET then you might get what I mean.

So if you still got no idea what I'm talking about you can refer to

And also you can read from one of the post on that shows that I canceled out THE ONE ACADEMY but my mum kinda wants me to go there now. lol. so yea...

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