Q:What time is it? A:Time to get a watch.

Friday, September 24, 2010



Oops! sorry


They are my little soft shell turtles!

This is

And this is

Let's see whether you can spot the difference.

After I added in some food for them. They went their separate ways...

Things you need to know about Bon & Otti (soft shell turtles)
  1. It is not the typical red slider eye turtle you see people having. You know the one with some red marks at the side of their head.
  2. Yes! They really do have a soft shell. You can actually bend it. LOL! Don't do that!
  3. They are DIGGERS! to protect themselves and hunt for food by stoning there. :) You should see them digging, beh ta han la I tell you. TOO CUTE! one day I take a video for you! ;)
  4. They are the fastest turtle.
  5. They are living in an ICE CREAM CONTAINER! HAHAHAHAHA. I'm gonna get a tank later. After my trials or something. LOL. No time. I cannot put them with my other tanks, they will eat my fishes.
  6. They are AWESOME! I suggest you to get one too. All you need is an ICE CREAM CONTAINER. ;)
  7. They are magicians. Well... one of them, Otti! When I came home from school on Wednesday, there he was, at the toilet downstairs and my CONTAINER is upstairs. Yesterday, I came home from school and he was at my toilet upstairs. LOLness. And the CONTAINER is on top of a table some more. Still not sure how he manages to climb out after I customize the CONTAINER to be escape resistant.
  8. I just got them 4 days ago. Wanted to get it a long time ago but the fish shop got no more stock. lol...
  9. They have a very very long neck. As long as their body. This is because when they are buried, they can just stick their head out and breathe and hunt for fishes too.
  10. Bon and Otti are pretty small now. They are the size of a 45sen coin. (bigger than 20sen, smaller than 50sen)
  11. They know their NAMES!!! hahahahahhahahahahaha. I trained them well. =]
  12. They ate 4 live guppies babies already. I didn't see it. I think they hunted them at night.
  13. They are super funny.
  14. They are very shy so they hide a lot and that is when #3 takes place and the first picture on top.
  15. Otti didn't escape today

Here are BON & OTTI again.
together they will be call BOT?...
Their heads are like snakes.

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