Q:What time is it? A:Time to get a watch.

Friday, December 10, 2010



totally forgot about this

so yesterday I went out with friends to 1U, the CURVE, IKANO, IKEA and CINELEISURE. Yes! all five of them. BY FEET. =] Guided by ME. =] anyway... So when we were at 1U on our way to IKANO, like really just on the way. Just stepped out 1U and I saw a WALLET! a black tropicano life's WALLET. Guy's wallet. I reached down and grabbed it. And told my friends. So I opened the wallet and the first thing I saw was an IC then took it out see the first 2 numbers, 94. one year younger than me. lolness... then didn't want to check out the MONEY SECTION in case I get TEMPTED to take it away. NO LA! hahaha. Not must cash also. I think. really didn't bother to check it. =] so quickly went back inside to 1U. checked every section of the wallet but can't find anything that says HEY YOU! THAT IS MY WALLET. GIVE IT BACK TO ME.! ='[ CALL THIS NUMBER TO FIND ME OR THIS ADDRESS IF YOUR ARE SCARED TO TALK TO ME ON THE PHONE OR WANNA SEE ME FACE TO FACE. THANKS. so had no choice but to quickly find an INFORMATION CENTRE or something like that at 1U

So were walking and hoping to see one soon. Came across some security guards but my friends said it was hopeless giving it to them. It'll be like keeping the wallet yourself and using it. I agreed. So continued our journey then finally got to a reception area looking place with an i on top. so told them I found this wallet, wrote down my name, phone number, time found, location and stuff. Then said thank you to her not she say thank you to me.

About 10 minutes ago I got on a call from that fella's dad! =] =] =] =] thank God he managed to find it. =] =] ='] then he said 'HELLO! IS THIS JENNY?' I said 'YA!' then he thanked me and asked me am I JENNY'S HUSBAND. Then only got a wake up call WAIT A MINUTE I'M NOT JENNY AND I'M NOT MARRIED! before I was able to say anything the line cut. Then he called back again only I explained to him. lol. blurish moment. Yes it's me. NOT JENNY! need to FIRE that girl that I passed the wallet to. Can't read EREM. Orh! not a bad name. HAHA! EREM!

Thank God he managed to find it. =] he is still small and it's not cool to lose your wallet with an IC inside.

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